
Nancy Tafoya Class of 2003 is a consultant with The Solutions in Practice Company.


James Thompson Past President of Staten Island Club and a member of our club since 1999.

Jim Thompson is a leading salesman of ADT, the security company. With offices in more than 200 communities throughout North America community service is so important to the company and its employees. As such, the company created the Abused Women’s Active Response Emergency program to help protect victims of domestic violence. And as a partner to the National Crime Prevention Council the company helps concerned citizens prevent crime in their communities.
Jim has been a Rotarian for more than 15 years and a member of the RCNY for 8 years after serving as president of the Rotary Club on Staten Island. Other volunteer work that Jim is proud of is serving on the Miss America judging team for 32 years. He admits that this is a tough job but someone has to do it!
Carlo Treggi M.D. Class of 1987 is an immunologist

Michael Trollan, a Rotarian since 2009, was born in the small Rocky Mountain town of Durango, Colorado. He went to high school in South Texas, on the border to Mexico, and the moved north to Texas A&M University and settling for a while in Dallas, Texas. He has long wanted to move to New York City, so three years ago he moved here -- with no job, no place to live, and without knowing a soul. He was able to pull it off, and is now living
comfortably and happily a few blocks from Union Square.

Professionally, Michael has spent over 12 years in the Internet industry. He owns and runs a small website consulting firm which during peak times sees just under 20 employees and contractors. The firm has built websites ranging from small one-man businesses all the
way up to numerous Fortune 500 websites, including Verizon.com in 2004, MarthaStewart.com in 2007, TimeWarnerCable.com and RoadRunner.com in 2008.

He also runs a peer-to-peer coaching group called Manhattan Board of Advisors, which provides members with their own personal board of advisors. He is involved in a handful of non-profits, most notably Toastmasters International, which helps its members develop public speaking and leadership skills. For Toastmasters, he was recently elected as a Division Governor, where he and his staff of 6 oversee the development of 650 members in Brooklyn and lower Manhattan. Michael loves dining, and runs a dinner group of food fanatics who explore the best spots in New York City.